Online jobs are the only option during this lockdown. The lockdown is still going on, and many people have even lost their job during this crisis. Some of you might have been looking for the best part time jobs as an extra income source in order to meet your daily expenses. Don’t worry, we tried to cover a long list of options for you so that you can apply to these jobs.
No matter if you are a student, part time jobs for students is also an ideal option, and even housewives, moms can earn working from their home and raise their kids. If you are a mom or a housewife, then you shouldn’t miss this information.
Wide sections of people are interested in and searching for part-time options for earning without any investment. As there are various options available, some of them need some startup costs, and many are free. However, when you don’t have the money in your pocket, and you wish to start earning.
So don’t worry, we are here to share the complete information, and your search for part time jobs near me will end here. Don’t miss to subscribe to our mailing list so that you can stay updated about the part time jobs hiring, and you can apply on time. You can click here to subscribe to us.
Table of content
- What are legitimate online jobs
- What jobs can you do online from your home?
- What is the best online job?
- Is online jobs are safe?
What are legitimate part time jobs?
It’s quite a common question in the mind of many people searching for jobs online. Let us tell you there are a few part time work from home jobs that require prior experience; however, you need to check first what online jobs fit you the best.
There are various legitimate jobs we are going to list here, and this post offers you the links so that you can apply and reach to the website to apply for a job.
Here’s a list of legitimate jobs that you can apply according to your skills and capability, education, hobby, and so forth.
Just go through these jobs once, and the complete details about online jobs are described in the next section.
What part time jobs can you do online from your home?
As we listed various online jobs without investment, now we are going to describe in detail every single job.
- Be an online tutor
If you have a specific degree in a specific subject or a language, you might have a good command of a subject no matter, be it English, Maths, History, Political Science, and so forth.
You have the option of tutoring online, mentoring, creating video tutorials on a subject, or you can see them on a video platform by sitting right from your home.
When you search for the weekend jobs near me on the internet, then it could be an ideal option for you, and you won’t need to move anywhere.
You can look for the companies hiring to teach online.
You can visit these websites mentioned above where you can apply as per your skills, as we said above. Now you won’t need to search for part time night jobs near me, and you can earn without any night shift.
- Be a freelancer
If you are searching for freelance jobs over the internet, then you have landed at the right place now. You can apply for high paying part time jobs without investment easily.
In a freelance job, you get the opportunity to earn extra as well as it has limitless potential. You can find the various projects on these below-mentioned websites.
What are the websites for applying as a freelancer?
- Upwork
- Truelancer
- 99designs
- Freelance India
- Toptal
- Envato Studio
- WorknHire
- Rockerstop
- Yourstory
So here is a small list of the best freelancing sites that offer you various opportunities for the various job seekers. Freelance jobs are the ideal options anyone can have, and one can apply them even after the engagement in full time jobs.
Not just one job, we will tell you about various jobs, these are really the very good online jobs for students who always look for a side income. Let’s start with the job descriptions so that you could know your options better.
- Freelance Writer
If you are a good writer and love writing, then it’s a wonderful opportunity. Various people are engaged in this sort of work, online jobs can be done right from your home, and it’s a job without investment. Just connect with your clients and start working for them.
How much can I earn?
It’s a common question in everyone’s mind, no worries, we understand. Various people earn more than $1000 to $2000 a year, and it completely depends on your hard work. There are various examples across the globe who earn $40,000-$50,000 a year and are engaged and take online jobs as full-time.
How can I begin with such high paying part time jobs?
If you are very passionate about writing, you can give it a start and have good command on your grammar and not just English; you can apply in any language you know.
For example, there is a need for regional content where companies also look for Tamil, Oriya, Kannad, French, German, Punjabi, Hindi, etc. regional language writers. You can also apply for paid training in the beginning and apply for an internship.
What are the websites you can apply for part time jobs?
Now you can apply for the high paying part time jobs on these websites, get hired, and start working today.
- Social Media Manager
Nowadays, everyone has access to a smartphone and has a social media account, and you too remain active on social media. If you have a wide range of knowledge about social media platforms, then you can apply for social media jobs. You can also look for part time social media jobs on the internet.
How much can you earn?
It depends on how many clients you have connected with and you have the opportunity to make up to $1,000-$10,000 a month.
If you are new to this job, don’t worry, you can search over the internet, or you can join a small crash course where you’ll get the complete knowledge about this job.
Now you might be looking for social media work where you can apply for the work. You can apply to these websites.
When you are looking for the best part time jobs then creating a course of the skills you have is an ideal option. Here, you can teach others with the help of a course as well as you have an option to earn online.
- Virtual Assistant
If you are skilled in managing the task and have skills in social media management, ghostwriting, editing, graphic design, researching, writing, and various admin skills, it’s a wonderful option for you.
Freelance virtual assistant online jobs are one of the jobs hiring near me part time and can be done full time from the comfort of your home.
How much can I earn in a Virtual assistant?
If you invest somewhere around an hour for this job, you can earn up to $25 – $100 for an hour as a virtual assistant. The payment may vary client to client, and you can earn even more than the mentioned amount.
Now you’d be looking for the websites where you can apply for the virtual assistant jobs. Here’re some of them:
So when you are looking for part time work from home, then a virtual assistant is an ideal option for you. You can also look for other websites on the internet so that you can reach more companies.
- Proofreader
Are you good at finding mistakes while reading a book or any content? Do you find yourself knowledgeable in finding grammar errors?
If yes, a proofreader is one of the best part time jobs for you. A proofreader is the need of the hour, and it’s a huge opportunity for you.
You can also go for a small course to learn the basics of being a proofreader, and after that, you can apply for a number of online jobs.
How much would you earn in proofreading?
There is no income limitation in the proofreading online jobs, and you can make up to $50,000 in proofreading. Your income may vary from client to client and will depend on work. It is the best part time work from home optionfor you that doesn’t need your whole day.
What are the websites you can apply for proofreading jobs?
- Simplyhired
- Freelancer
- Truelancer
- learn4good
- Wordy
- Wileyeditingservices
- Ijobdesk
- Domainite
- Babbletype
- Wordvice
- Proofreadingservices
Proofreading works as a wonderful opportunity and stands among the best online jobs for students who have good proofing skills. Apply online and work from the comfort of your home in the present digital world.
- Graphic Designer
If you are curious and skilled in design and have experience in Adobe Creative Suite/Adobe Creative Cloud – including InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop, and there you can see a large chunk of earning.
The best profitable market you would ever find in this niche, an ideal choice when you are looking for part time work from home job.
There are various websites where you can apply, and you can pass the test and earn from your home.
Various online jobs for students are also available as a graphic designer when you are skilled in designing creative pictures, logos, infographics, and much more.
How much can I earn in a part time graphic designing job?
Your income may vary, and you can charge around $25-$300 per hour, and the rest depends on the project. Income may vary according to work, nature of a client’s business, and so forth. However, you can earn good, and it is one of the best part time jobs for students.
What are the websites you can apply for the part time graphic designer jobs?
Graphic designing is a good option for those who are creative, have knowledge of the graphics, and are skilled in making use of the applications. You can take it as full time jobs if you think you have the caliber.
- Transcribe
Be a transcriptionist; you can look for the part time jobs near me as a transcriptionist. For this, you should be skilled and understand the role of a transcriptionist.
Before you apply for a part time transcriptionist job, you should research well and have good listening skills.
A transcriptionist listens to the audio files and types what they hear and should possess good typing skills to grab such jobs.
You can make your career in this field, and you can consider this as full time jobs and can complete the task from the comfort of your home.
How much can I earn as a transcriptionist?
You have the opportunity to earn up to $7-$21 per hour as a transcriptionist, and you just need to connect with the companies looking for the transcriptionists.
Make your career in this field as such online jobs profile has commendable options for you. Search for the part time jobs hiring for transcriptionists and just apply there.
Where can I apply for the part time transcriptionist job?
- Flexjobs
- Transcribeme
- Workfromhomehappiness
- Dreamhomebasedwork
- Dreamhomebasedwork
- Rev
- Gotranscript
- Upwork
- Transcribe
- 3playmedia
- Aberdeen
- Appen
- Babbletype
- Gmrtranscription
- Gotranscript
- Mmodal
- Nettranscripts
- pioneer-transcription-services
- typists.quicktate
- Scribie
- speakwrite
- Ubiqus
Be a transcriptionist, and you can research well before you proceed to this job. Along with searching for part time jobs near me, you should try for these online jobs.
9. Search for the research studies and earn up to $500 per study you do
Now you can easily make money online; just participate in the research studies. Many students keep on searching part time night jobs near me over the internet; then it’s an opportunity for the students.
You might be thinking about the nature of work and the earning part. As we mentioned above, you can earn up to $500 and maybe more as it completely depends on the client and work.
What are the websites I can apply for part time research studies work?
One should apply for this job if looking for some part time job options, you’d learn more here, and knowledge will also improve.
10. Start earning for the filling paid surveys
You might not find this job so interesting; however, it stands among the best and quickest earning modes if you wish to make money online.
You can make a lot of money after filling surveys online; here you just have to join these survey sites.
You need to have an account before you proceed to start applying for these surveys so that you can receive daily survey emails.
How much can I earn from paid surveys?
It’s up to you how many you fill in a day, and you can get up to $50-$100 in a month or maybe more if you work hard. So get set ready to earn money and fill your account with a lot of bucks.
What are the websites I can apply online?
- Swagbucks
- Toluna
- Onepoll
- Lifepointspanel
- Gobranded
- Inboxpounds
- Opinion Outpost
- Panel Opinion
- pinecone research
- yougov
- PanelBase
- Valued Opinions
- Surveybods
- PrizeRebel
- opinion bureau
- Maru Voice
- MindMover
- prolific academic
- iPoll
When you are searching for weekend jobs near me over the internet, then paid surveys can give you the justified amount. Applying such online jobs would allow you to get a passive income.
11. Earn working as an UpVoice Panelist
You can get paid when you spend your time on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, YouTube, and so forth.
It is one of the simplest ways to earn money online. You can also research more about it, polish your skills, and apply online.
How much can I earn as an UpVoice Panelist?
You can earn up to $75 or more; it ultimately depends on the work you complete. You can go up to $500 to $1000 when you work hard. So why to wait anymore.
Where can I apply for an UpVoice Panelist job?
It’s an interesting job you can apply for if you are one of those looking for high paying part time jobs. Get set ready to learn and earn.
12. Virtual Receptionist
By just answering calls and chats for a number of businesses and entrepreneurs, you can earn online by sitting right from your home. You need to be available for a few hours of a day or a shift for the job as it completely depends on the company and country.
How much can I earn as a Virtual Receptionist?
The price per hour may be $10, and it increases as you perform well and give your best to the company.
There are a number of benefits associated with such a job, like you can also get the medical, dental and vision insurance, cash bonus, weekly pay, etc.
Where should I apply for a Virtual Receptionist?
It has been observed that almost every company needs a receptionist, one of the best part time online jobs you can work for.
13. Customer Service
This job requires people to serve as a customer representative, and it’s a growing trend where companies are hiring customer service reps remotely. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you as it allows you to work from the comfort of your home.
How much can I earn in customer service?
The pay scale varies from company to company; however, you can get up to $9-$21 per hour. And rest depends on your hard work; however, it’s an ideal option for you to earn and get a job online.
Where can I apply for customer service jobs?
- American Express – $15 – $21 per hour
- Hilton – $10 – $21
- Apple – $13- $19 per hour
- AAA – $12 – $18 per hour
- Great VirtualWorks $10-$16 per hour
- LiveOps – $9-$15 per hour
- Apptical $10-$12 per hour
- Amazon – $11
Part time jobs hiring is going on; what are you waiting for? Connect with the companies and start working today without stepping out of your home.
14. Search Engine/Social Media Evaluator
It’s a wonderful job if you have knowledge about the search engine process or social media accounts. You can help Google in removing the mess by becoming an evaluator. In this job, you have to rate the social media ads; search engine results for relevancy.
How much can I earn as a search engine/social media evaluator?
You can earn up to $12.50-$14 per hour, and your earnings may vary according to the company.
Where can I apply?
Looking for online jobs from home, then it’s the most interesting job for you. As the world is turning digital and you’ll get incredible options.
15. Online moderators
If you are interested in working on social media accounts, then it’s an ideal opportunity. You can work as an online moderator for various companies, you get a good amount in return, and this job allows you to work on flexible timing.
Make sure you have experience in this arena before you apply for this job.
How much can I earn as an online moderator?
The pay scale may vary from company to company or client to client; however, you can get up to $14-$17 per hour.
Rest depends on your work, and can ask for the increment later if the company likes your work.
Where should I apply for the job of an online moderator?
- Dreamhomebasedwork
- Crispthinking
- Thesocialelement
- Babycenter
- Khoros
- Liveworld
- Zynga
- Dreamhomebasedwork
- Freeworkathomeguide
You can get online jobs in India now; just apply on the company websites. An online moderator is one of the reputed jobs, and one can complete his/her job from home.
16. Get paid for taking pictures from your phone
You can post your images on a few websites, and you have the opportunity to sell your images, and you can sell them over and over.
It’s an ideal option that allows you to make a passive income, and for this, you don’t need to be a professional. However, you should understand the basics before you proceed to take any picture and sell online.
How much can I earn for taking pictures?
Payscale might vary from client to client; however, you get up to $20-$30 per image, and the rest depends on your image and the requirement. You need to first learn, and then you can earn.
Where should I apply to sell my pictures online?
It’s a simple and easy online work from home job you can do. Alongside this, you’ll find this job quite interesting, and your hobby will turn into your career.
17. Video Royalties
We’d like to inform you that various websites wish to purchase video licenses before posting on their websites.
Even these videos are the basic videos recorded with the help of your smartphone.
If you have some unique and idiosyncratic videos, funny and interesting, you can sell it online repeatedly.
How much can I earn by selling videos online?
You can earn up to $4000 by selling your videos. It is required to upload your videos on these websites.
Where can I sell my videos online?
Selling videos online is among the best work from home jobs for everyone. If you are quite creative, then create a portfolio and apply online.
18. Create a course online
Now you can use your skills in teaching others and use your skills as an opportunity with a course’s help. You get paid when every student purchases your course online. So you need to join some platforms where you can teach online, and on these websites, look for the online courses and subscribe for the courses.
How much can I earn by creating a course online?
You can make up to $1000 in just a few videos, and even you get $50 every month apart from your earnings. So just make the wonderful videos and join the right platforms to sell them.
Where can I sell my courses online?
Creating a course is one of the best online jobs work from home for you. Explore your knowledge with the help of a course now. Sell it and educate the people across the globe.
19. Digital Downloads
You can create a digital application or any product that you can sell again and again. For example you can create some wonderful catchy cards online, templates, invitation cards etc, You need to be a professional, just understand the basics first, and use any tool online to create any card, image, or anything you are interested in.
Just look for the platforms where you can sell your digital products. It’s an ideal source of your passive income.
How much can I earn from digital media selling?
You can get up to $50 or more in the beginning, and the rest depends on the amount you sell and what you sell. Even you get more from the mentioned amount.
Where can I sell my digital cards online?
If you are looking to work from home jobs, then this is definitely for you. Create your creative and unique collection, and you can sell it online.
20. YouTube
Do you know YouTube is the second platform named after Google for searching for things online? It means a maximum part of the population visits and prefers YouTube. So why lagging behind?
You can start your own YouTube channel, and even you start earning money online with this method. Some changes have been made recently by YouTube to make money with the ads.
Your channel should be watched 4,000 hours a year, and a minimum of 1000 subscribers should be there. Even you have the opportunity to use your channel with Affiliate marketing.
How much I earn from YouTube?
It completely depends on your channel, time spent on the videos as well as the subscribers you have. YouTube payment policies also matter while earning, Online Jobs in Delhi
From where to start with an online channel?
One of the creative online jobs for students and, if you wish, could be among the YouTuber. Just create videos on a specific niche and bring more subscribers to your channel.
21. Blogging
You can start blogging; however, it takes time and doesn’t offer your money instantly. Alongside this, you need to put a lot of effort here and need to gather a lot of information before you proceed to blog.
You should know how to start a blog and how to make money online with blogging.
It is one of the best online part time jobs you can do. If you wish to educate people about a specific niche, then create a blog and share your knowledge with the world.
How much can I earn from blogging?
You can earn up to $1000- $10,000 and even more.
22. Affiliate Marketing
Start affiliate marketing today if you wish to earn online. It is the best method, and you can generate revenue from the comfort of your home. You can sell amazon products and commission on every sale.
Become an affiliate first, and then you get a code and apply this code to your blog, and you can earn online.
Not just amazon products, you can sell the products online on other websites too. Join these amazon part time jobs where you can sell products online via blogging.
You can learn how to do affiliate marketing and earn online.
How much can I earn with affiliate marketing?
The amount is not fixed, and it depends on the products sold from your blog, and the commission decides on every sale you make. However, you can earn up to $5000- $50,000 and maybe more. It depends on the efforts you make to sell online. It’s one of the online jobs without investment where you just have to sell online.
23. Cashback apps
You can use some apps that can give you some return when you pay through these apps. Whenever you travel, shop, eat, and so forth, you can get the cashback. You can link your bank account and take benefits from such apps.
Apps may vary from country to country, and you can search these cashback apps on the internet according to the country you are located in. It’s among the best online jobs for students from home, and not just students; anyone can do this.
What is the best online job?
It’s quite a common question in everyone’s mind. See the job that turns best when your skills match with the job or the job you complete with your full interest, Online Jobs in Delhi
So, here is a long list, and you can choose one job or more than one job that matches your skills, Online Jobs in Delhi
You can land on any job you are skilled in and start earning today online with part-time jobs online. Along these lines, you can learn basics before you start a job when your skills don’t match with any of these above-mentioned skills. You can choose from these mentioned jobs.
1. Be an online tutor
2. Be a freelancer
3. Freelance Writer
4. Social Media Manager
5. Virtual Assistant
6. Proofreader
7. Graphic Designer
8. Transcribe
9. Search for the research studies and earn up to $500 per study you do
10. Start earning for the filling paid surveys
11. Earn working as an UpVoice Panelist
12. Virtual Receptionist
13. Customer Service
14. Search Engine/Social Media Evaluator
15. Online moderators
16. Get paid for taking pictures from your phone
17. Video Royalties
18. Create a course online
19. Digital Downloads
20. YouTube
21. Blogging
22. Affiliate Marketing
23. Cashback apps
So searching for online jobs near me offers you a wide range of options that you can go with. Apply and start work from home today.
Final words
Are online jobs safe?
It’s a common question for everyone. To get over this situation, you can sign an agreement then you can proceed with the work. Or you can go with the weekly payment part and later you can go for monthly.
We hope this list will give you enough knowledge, ideas, options to work online and earn online without investment. Various online jobs options we have listed here in this blog. Just subscribe to us, and you’ll get the notification on every single post concerning online jobs.